Monday, January 30, 2012


Ni Chi Fan Le Ma? Did you eat yet? Such an awesome greeting! This conveys whole another level of wonderful feeling, compared to our traditional English customs, "Hi", "How are you", etc.

This blog serves as my testimony to express indescribable amount of passion in learning Chinese. Is it because Chinese language is receiving worldwide attention? Is it because I love Chinese food? Is it because I love showing off my language to Chinese people? Haha maybe!

But the primary purpose of this blog is, overall, dedicated to convey my zeal to others as much as possible, including YOU, to absorb the sexiness of learning foreign languages, specifically Chinese. Its own unique tonality and exclusive sets of 20,000+ characters make the language a very sexy thing to learn.

This is only the beginning. I would like to end my first blog post with a following quote:

" To have another language is to possess a second soul" ~ Charlemagne